What pests we look for...
We all encounter pests at home or our workplaces from time to time. These are the small insects that enter our homes and gardens and can be a nuisance. Ants, cockroaches, wasps, termites, mice / rats and spiders are some of the common pests here in the NSW Hunter Valley area.
If not treated they can cause serious problems over time – including serious damage to structures. If you notice just one or two instances of a pesky pest, it’s not a great cause for concern. However, if you see them on a regular basis, your house may be infested. If so, call us for a consultation and inspection.
Excel Pest & Property Services is your Hunter Valley pest control expert.

These small creatures live in colonies and prefer sunny climates. When they find something to eat, they leave a chemical trail to the substance for others to follow. The common signs of infestation are presence of large number of ants, ant lines at multiples places, and ants lurking around small holes under doors and closets.

They are nocturnal, can fly, and have high reproductive rates; making it extremely difficult to control their infestation. They can carry serious diseases like Hepatitis.

While some spiders are harmless, others can be a threat to your family members. Their bite can cause severe illness or rashes, and in extreme cases even death. There are over 10,000 species of spiders in Australia and it can be difficult to distinguish the harmless from the harmful. Some of the dangerous species include:
- Black House Spider
- Northern Rivers Funnel Web Spider also called the Sydney Funnel Web Spider, is venomous and is considered the most dangerous in the world
- Wolf Spiders
- White-Tailed Spider
- Australian Redbacks

Rats or mice multiply quickly and are difficult to catch. They carry bacteria, considered dangerous for humans and leave their urine, hair, and droppings which become potential causes of ill health. Most common Australian rats are the roof rat, house mouse, and Norway rat.




Bed Bugs:
These are wingless nocturnal insects that suck the blood of humans. They roam around and by virtue of their thin bodies, can get inside beds and carpets. Their bites can lead to allergies, itching, and skin rashes.
If you notice even a small presence of any of the above pests in your home or business space, call us for an inspection. Your timely intervention now can save you thousands of dollars in pest control that you’d otherwise have to spend in future.